Posted on July 27th, 2008 by tdksucks
How in the world can a big yellow school bus crash through a bank and nobody on the street seems to notice? Further, after the bak robbery, the bus COINCIDENTALLY pulls out of the bank and into the middle of a line of other school buses in broad daylight, with cops right up the street and [...]
Filed under: Story/Plot Problems, Writing/Direction Tags: bank, school bus, short bus, smash, TDK, the dark knight, The Joker | 19 Comments »
Posted on July 27th, 2008 by tdksucks
There’s a notion when watching/reading fictional movies/stories, and it’s called “suspension of disbelief”. Most contemporary movies, even if they are based within reality, require the audience to maintain at least SOME suspension of disbelief. Suspension of disbelief is [from Wikipedia] “the willingness of a person to accept as true the premises of a work of [...]
Filed under: Editing/Sound, Makeup/Custume, Story/Plot Problems, Subpar Acting, Visuals/Effects, Writing/Direction Tags: believability, Chris Nolan, fiction, plausible, realism, reality, suspension of disbelief | 27 Comments »