Special Effects for Two-Face
OK, this was visually well-crafted. Executed perfectly. Visually well-blended. Impressive.
So how come he ended up looking like half an alien from “Mars Attacks”?
It was “too perfect”. I used to do 3D rendering and animation. I pay attention. The problem with a lot of 3D animation (many times referred to as CGI, or Computer Graphics Imaging) when it’s intended to appear realistic is that the element of real-world “weathering” is forgotten, poorly executed, or unable to be mastered. I can understand this difficulty when an entire movie is dependent on CGI but, as far as can be discerned, the only significant CGI in “The Dark Knight” was the burned side of Harvey’s face.
If you can stomach it, go to Google Images and do a search for “burn victims” (you may have to turn SafeSearch off). That’s some scary shit, and had they managed something that realistic looking on the Two-Face CGI then maybe his quick dissent into psychotic dementia would have been a little more believable.
Filed under: Visuals/Effects Tags: burns, cgi, effects, graphics, Harvey Dent, mars attacks, Two-Face
Christopher Nolan said at first they had less exaggerated versions that were more sickening but they wouldnt pass for a pg-13 rating so they had to make it less realistic.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I saw it a few times in the theatre and really like the movie, but I saw a little bit of it on a bootleg . The poor image quality of it gave Two-face a more rugged look which I would have preferred to have seen.
On a side note, Beowulf (2007) is a movie I wished would have been rougher/darker image-wise, instead of such a polished and bright look that it had.
C’mon, Two-Face’s half face is one of the best things about the movie. It may not be realistic but it sure comes across as real and i think that i enough. I doubt they were going for a snuff flick here.
Two-Face’s face wasn’t too perfect? He had half the muscles and some tendons broken in that thing. Besides, the way we see Two-Face is not the way he would have come into the hospital. Most likely they removed the skin and debris that was fused to the burnt side of his face so he could recieve skin grafts and such, but he refused treatment. This would have included removing the eyelid which thus far would have remained intact thus explaining the ‘perfectly unscathed eye’ issues.
I didn’t especially like the Dark Knight, but as far as film goes it was excellent, I’d like to see the owners of this site come up with something better, seriously, if you’re so familiar with CG then one up it, otherwise you don’t have a very good argument.